Having read through my entire bookcase I decided I should look for a few new authors to re-stock my shelf and I came across this book by Harriet Evans. I’d never heard of her or the book, but the reviews looked ok so I thought I’d give it a go and I wasn’t disappointed!
I didn’t really know what to expect to begin with and this feeling continued throughout the whole book – it certainly wasn’t a predictable read. It was however a great, enthralling story, both entertaining and terribly sad at times (it even brought me to tears).
The story begins with the main character Kate, currently living in New York, facing the terrifying prospect of returning to her hometown of London and having to face her past once again. Kate has a huge secret, an entire history, that she has tried to delete from her life, but as everyone knows, you can’t hide from your past, however far you run!
The reader finds out about what happened in Kate’s past via a number of flashbacks and interludes. This can be a little bit confusing at first as the story goes from the present day, to a certain date in the past and then back to present again. However it is really the only way to find out what really happened and how it all relates to the person Kate is now, as well as the supporting characters. There is quite a large ‘supporting cast’ in this book, whose lives are all entwined in Kate’s both past and present. Although this too was a bit confusing at the beginning, after a few chapters (once you’ve worked out whose who) it really enhances the story and you begin to feel just as strongly about all the characters as you do with Kate.
Once I had got into the story I really couldn’t put the book down, there are so many surprises and secrets from the past as well as a few from the present day! I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that manages to be unpredictable yet still provide all the elements you want from a good romantic novel - my only problem was I wasn't ready for it to end!
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